Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on Motivation - 2381 Words

Motivation is one of the most discussed topics in the present era’s organisations, especially since renowned psychologists like Maslow and Herzberg are dedicating their efforts to understanding it. Companies are investing a significant amount of resources in improving productivity in order to maximise profits. One of these important resources is of human nature. In order to get the very best out of employees, some motivational approaches need to be used. But what is motivation and how do I successfully motivate? I will try to relate one of my personal experiences with a friend to some of the most influential motivational theories. After introducing my story and making a definition of motivation I will address the ideas of Taylor,†¦show more content†¦Baron (1983) says that â€Å"motivation is a set of process concerned with a kind of force that energizes behavior and directs it towards achieving some specific goals† (Baron, 1983, p. xxx). According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2001, p.162) motivation represents â€Å"those psychological processes that cause the stimulation, persistence of voluntary actions that are goal directed†. Consequently, these definitions lead to the assumption that motivation is something evolving from within an individual as well as the individual being influenced by external factors. One of the first authors that dealt with the sources of motivation was Frederick Taylor who focussed on the overall productivity of an organisation. He linked this productivity to the effort an employee puts into their work which in turn is dependent on monetary rewards (Taylor, 1911). This theory was established in the context of the industrial age and thus is outdated for today’s analysis but it still provides a basic assumption which is often referred to by other authors. The total neglecting of a worker’s intrinsic motivators is a starting point for discussion for authors that conducted research in that area after Taylor. Douglas McGregor presented Theory X and Theory Y in his book â€Å"The Human Side of Enterprise†. In these two theories McGregor has presented two types of managerial style. Theory X says that management is responsible for directing efforts of the people, motivating them, controlling their actionsShow MoreRelatedMotivation : Motivation And Motivation1216 Words   |  5 PagesOverall, motivation is, â€Å"the general desire or willingness of someone to do something† (Oxford Dictionaries). For me, motivation plays a significant role in accomplishing goals, working harder, and being successful. Internal and external forces also have a powerful impact on my motivation. I discovered that my motivation stems from both internal and external forces equally. 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Luckily, Daniel Pink announces his latest results, â€Å"The Puzzle of Motivation†, on TED in 2009, which gives us a brand new idea about our motivation and how we could improve us by learning his method. In this essay, I will illustrates the main point of Daniel Pink, the ev idence given in his speech, also the benefits I get from his idea which increase my self-motivation and helpsRead MoreMotivation Theory : Motivation And Motivation846 Words   |  4 PagesProfessor Jones Psychology April 28 2016 Motivation Theories Having motivation to do something is very important. Motivation plays a huge roll in everyone’s life, even If someone has very little motivation. There are several types of motivation such as Instinct and drive motivation. These two motivations are quite similar, but different at the same time. I will compare and contrast both of these types of motivation and what I think about them. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Laws Affecting The Agency Of The United States Postal Service

Laws Affecting The Agency When it comes to The United States Postal Service, I did not think they would have many court cases, especially dealing with diversity and mistreatment in the workplace. During my research, however, I was proven wrong. The Postal Service has had quite a few court cases, while many of them relate to ethical and discriminatory issues. Individuals have felt that the Postal Service sometimes judge applicants or workers by their lifestyle or ethnicity. This in turn shows bad representation of personnel management. One case that shows proof of this is the United States Postal Service v. Aikens. Harold Aikens, who was a black employee of the USPS, opened a case against his job being that he felt he was not receiving promotions because of his ethnicity. This is a direct violation of Title VII if found to be true. According to the USPS, Aikens â€Å"applied for a promotion for which he possessed the minimum qualifications, and that the employer selected a nonminority applicant, the parties a nd the Court of Appeals have unnecessarily evaded the ultimate question of discrimination†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bartholet 1982). Ultimately, the court upheld that Aikens did not in fact present a valid prima faci case, which the plaintiff creates a belief that the employer discriminated against him, and have evidence that backs up his claim. Due to the failure to prove that he was being discriminated against due to his race, the case did not go in his way. Regardless of the judgement, thisShow MoreRelatedThe Fair Labor Standards Act1845 Words   |  8 Pageswere simply no laws to regulate the maximum number of hours that children could work, how old they had to be, or how much they had to at least be paid. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Determination of Production Cost

Question: Explain Determination of Production Cost. Answer: Determination of Production Cost The production cost is the expenses incurred by the business while manufacturing a product or producing a service. The cost of production includes Material Costs, Labor Costs, Factory costs etc (Horngren). Here in the given case study to determine the production costs certain assumptions are made because the information provided lacks completeness. Assumptions The Assumptions that are made for the case study is given below: The material costs of a Duplo block is $2000.00 but it is given that for each subsequent increase in quantity cost will decrease by $25.00. So there are 10 possible material costs depending upon the quantity purchased. It is assumed that for each unit of ichibutsu it will require one labor. It is assumed that for producing one unit one oven is required so the equipment costs per unit is $4000.00. Factory overhead costs are the indirect costs incurred by the business (Marshall). Factory overhead costs depend on the table rented and each table costs $10000.00. It is assumed that each unit of ichibutsu will require one table. The total production cost per unit is calculated on 10 possibilities depending on the number of units material purchased. As the minimum batch of production is of 6 units, so at least 6 units of material will be purchased at a time. It is clear from the statement that as unit of material purchased increases, the cost per unit of material is decreased so all other costs remaining the same. Cost of production decreases with increase in number of material purchased. Determination of Work in Progress and Finished Goods The Work in Progress means the total amount of material and labor used for unfinished product in process (DRURY). The Finished goods may be defined as the goods that are completely manufactured and are ready for sale (Hilton). In the case study details regarding WIP and FG are not provided so it is necessary to make some logical assumptions. For the purpose of this study it is assumed that at all times company will maintain double the quantity purchased in FG so that sales are not affected. The WIP is always maintained at quantity purchased but it cannot be less than 6. This assumption is important for determining holding costs. Revenue Revenue is the amount of money that the company can earn by selling its products or services (Kaplan). In the given case company can earn revenue of $6000.00 per unit by selling product on time and in case of delay it can earn revenue of $4500.00 per unit. It is assumed that always enough Finished Goods will be maintained so that sales can be made on time. Therefore sale price will be $6000.00. Statement showing Calculation Statement showing calculation of profit per unit Units Purchased 6 7 8 9 10 WIP Unit 6 7 8 9 10 FG unit 12 14 16 18 20 Material Costs $1,875.00 $1,850.00 $1,825.00 $1,800.00 $1,775.00 Labor Costs $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Equipment Costs $666.67 $571.43 $500.00 $444.44 $400.00 Factory Overhead $1,666.67 $1,428.57 $1,250.00 $1,111.11 $1,000.00 Total Production Cost $5,458.33 $5,100.00 $4,825.00 $4,605.56 $4,425.00 Holding Costs 432.00 622.08 895.80 1539.95 2517.52 Total Costs $5,890.33 $5,722.08 $5,720.80 $6,145.50 $6,942.52 Profit/Loss $109.67 $277.92 $279.20 -$145.50 -$942.52 Revenue $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 The profit is the reward for undertaking risk (Guenther). The profit earned is calculated by adding all costs then deducting it from revenue. Conclusion On analyzing the above statement it can be concluded that profit is maximum of $279.20 per unit when 8 units are purchased and produced. Therefore it is advised that eight units should be purchased. Recommendations The cost system of the company shows that material and labor forms the major part of costs. In material a discount of $25.00 is provided for increase in each successive unit. It is recommended that quantum of discount should also increase with increase in purchase of each successive units. Then the company will be able to enjoy more discounts thus increasing profits. The labor costs are a huge component of costs and measures should be undertaken to reduce the same. The Holding costs of inventory are the variable component of costs it increases with increase in inventory. Therefore to control this costs it is important to develop a plan for inventory management. References DRURY, COLIN M.Management and cost accounting. Springer, 2013. Guenther, Edeltraud, et al. "Material Flow Cost Accountinglooking back and ahead."Journal of Cleaner Production108 (2015): 1249-1254. Hilton, Ronald W.Managerial accounting. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991. Horngren, Charles T.Cost accounting: A managerial emphasis, 13/e. Pearson Education India, 2009. Kaplan, Robert S., and Anthony A. Atkinson.Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning, 2015. Marshall, David H., Wayne W. McManus, and Daniel F. Viele.Accounting. McGraw-Hill Irwin,, 2011.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Business Law Criminal Justice under the Kingdom

Question: Describe about the Business Law for Criminal Justice under the Kingdom? Answer: A restriction is imposed on the voting rights of the prisoners in detention without giving due regard to the duration of their sentence or nature of the crime that they have committed. This is explained in Section 3 of the Representation of People Act, 1983[1]. The citizens are guaranteed free and democratic elections right that is secured in Article3 (Protocol No. 1) of the European Convention on Human Rights. The recent rulings by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) have forced an issue of disenfranchisement into the British political arena by recent rules and regulations. The recent law has provided a ban on prison voting as it is said that violates the Human Rights Convention. Detention followed by conviction forfeits the prisoner rights of convention simply because of the status of the detainee who is detained. Some cases are pending before the European Court of Human rights based on the right that is guaranteed under Article 3(Protocol No. 1) of the ECHR. The British Judges held that the right that was guaranteed by the ECHR was an infringement of Article 3 of the convention of human rights. Article 3 of the convention allows free expression of opinion of the people in regular elections[2]. For example, the elections that were held in the year 2015, indicated that the captives will not be granted the power to vote. Section 3 of the Representation of People Act prevented a prisoner, John Hirst, from voting. The section does not allow the prisoners to vote. He filed an appeal to the High Court, but the case was dismissed[3]. The human rights court in Europe first recorded the case in Hirst v. UK stating that this is a violation of the human right to vote. Hirst won the case with the majority vote, and the court found that restriction of voting rights of the prisoners was violating Protocol 1 Article 3 of the ECHR[4]. Reference List: Lazarus, Liora, and Ryan Goss. "Criminal Justice under the Kingdom Human Rights Act-Dynamic Interaction between Domestic and International Law."SAcLJ25 (2013): 755. McNulty, Des, Nick Watson, and Gregory Philo. "Human Rights and Prisoners' Rights: The British Press and the Shaping of Public Debate."The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice53.4 (2014): 360-376. White, Isobel. "Prisoners voting rights." (2013). [1] Lazarus, Liora, and Ryan Goss. "Criminal Justice under the Kingdom Human Rights Act-Dynamic Interaction between Domestic and International Law."SAcLJ25 (2013): 755. [2] White, Isobel. "Prisoners voting rights." (2013). [3] McNulty, Des, Nick Watson, and Gregory Philo. "Human Rights and Prisoners' Rights: The British Press and the Shaping of Public Debate."The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice53.4 (2014): 360-376. [4] White, Isobel. "Prisoners voting rights." (2013).